
Venom: The Last Dance

We are delighted to share that the final trailer for Venom: The Last Dance has been released! The trilogy's final installment follows Eddie and Venom as they are on the run. Hunted by both of their worlds and with the net closing in, the duo are forced into a devastating...

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre

We are excited to announce that The Ceremony won the Sean Connery Prize for Feature Filmmaking Excellence at the Edinburgh International Film Festival! The feature follows two migrant workers who are forced to bury a colleague in the Yorkshire hills and when one demands to accord the dead man his...

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre

Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story , is based on the true story of Chloe Ayling’s abduction in Italy in 2017, when she travelled there for a photoshoot.

The the six-part series is made by River Pictures, in association with ZDFneo. The factual drama is based on detailed research,...

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre
Jeff KAOS.jpg

Brace yourself for Kaos , the brand new Netflix series created by The End of the F**king World's Charlie Covell with Sister Pictures, which will be available to stream on Netflix from 29th August.

The upcoming drama takes everything we know about Greek mythology and turns it on its...

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre