Jennifer Holdich

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Photograph: Charlotte Darlington


Agent: Ariella Feiner
Assistant: Amber Garvey


Jennifer Holdich is originally from the East Midlands, and is now living in South Wales with a very spoilt cat called Fable. Over the years she has worked various jobs, while writing as much as she can. She obtained an MA in Scriptwriting in 2013, won the Cardiff Writers’ Circle Short Story competition in 2021 and has had multiple short stories and pieces of flash fiction published.

Julie Tudor is Not a Psychopath is her debut novel, publishing Spring 2025. It is not autobiographical.



Julie Tudor is 49 and has it all: a fantastic job (well-maintained spreadsheets are the lynchpin of an efficient office), a beautiful house (some may wonder how she got the money for it, but nothing has been proved) and the man of her dreams. Sean is 25 and the love of Julie’s life. The only problem is, he thinks he’s in love with someone else. But Julie has found herself in a similar situation before. And if there’s one thing Julie knows, it’s how to get rid of the competition… 

After all, what’s a little murder in the name of true love?